Kamis, 19 Mei 2022

Negeri Anarki

 Karya : Kridan Angksara

Negeri Ku, negeri anarki

Aku berteriak, aku di bungkamkan
Aku memang anak muda yang tak segan untuk berteriak

Aku menerjang, aku dihentikan
Aku generasi pembawa perubahan yang tak segan untuk menerjang

Aku dibungkam, aku dihentikan
Aku dijatuhkan dalam lubang keputusasaan
Jatuh ku sangat dalam
Bagai ilalang berduri yang tidak diinginkan

Aku berteriak, bahkan angin membisikan untuk menyerah
Aku tak sanggup melihat ke atas
Karena mereka menyeru padaku

“Anak tolol, tak tau diri’
“Mata saja kau, dasar bodoh”
Segala sumpah serapah diucapkan

Aku terdiam, aku semakin dalam tenggelam dalam lautan
Tuhan lautan ini terlalu dalam
Terlalu sunyi dan gelap

Aku tak sanggup bengkit
Hingga seseorang mengulurkan tangannya
Aku seperti melihat cahaya di tengah lautan itu
Uluran tangan itu mengangkatku kembali ke permukaan

Membawakan lentera
Membisikan sapaan yang memecah keheningan

Aku bangkit
Aku dirangkul untuk bangkit

Sekarang aku tak sendiri
Aku tak berteriak sendiri
Aku tak bergerak sendiri
Aku tak menerjang sendiri

Sekarang kami yang berteriak
Menggetarkan nyali orang-orang biadab
Kami berteriak di atas nama keadilan
Sekarang kami yang menerjang
Menepis segala cacian

Masa depanku di negeri anarki ini
Tak akan hancur oleh orang-orang bodoh dengan sumpah serapahnya
Kan ku benahi negeriku
Kan ku buat masa depan ku

Anak muda ini sudah saatnya
Membangun Negeri

Bandung, 29 Agustus 2019

Photo by NEOSiAM 2021 from Pexels


Senin, 14 Maret 2022


Karya : Kridan Angkasara

Hanin, kasih sayang
Bukan sebuah kata atau irama
Bukan pula ungkara dalam kata-kata
tetapi ini sebuah dilema

Bukan aku dan kamu yang bersandiwara
tetapi dia yang mengingkarinya
Dia yang mengaturnya
Dan dia yang menghancurkanya

Hanin, menembus ruang dan waktu
Menembus akal dan ilmu
Melewati batasan
Menemukan kebebasan

Hanin, di antara ilalang dan pohon
Di antara tongkat dan tali
Di antara kuning dan jingga
Di antara cinta dan luka

Hanin, mungkin kata ini bukan milikku
Bukan pula milikmu
Karena ini bukan kata
Ini adalah rasa

Bandung, 2019

Photo by Suliman Sallehi from Pexels


Kamis, 10 Maret 2022


Karya : Kridan Angkasara

Secarik bait yang tertulis tanpa sengaja 
Menatap algoritma yang tak senada
Menandakan malam yang tak kunjung padam

Ini hanya sekedar gurauan kawan
Untuk menemani sang malam menuju fajar

Bandung, 10 Maret 2022

Foto Ilustrasi by Sebastian Voortman from Pexels


Senin, 21 Februari 2022

Novel Review

Title: Cecilia and the Angel

Writer: Jostein Gaarder

Publisher: Mizan

Year of Publication: 2019

Number of Pages: 216

As the title suggests, Cecilia and the Angel tells the story of a child named Cecilia who has to suffer from a serious illness in her body and only spends her day in bed.

Cecilia and the Angel begins when Christmas Eve arrives, an angel named Ariel comes to Cecilia, then they talk about angels and humans, and the nature of heaven. Angel Ariel accompanied Cecilia not only that night, but also the following nights.

Cecilia and Ariel became very close, like old friends who had not seen each other for a long time. The two of them discussed everything about earth and heaven, about the solar system, asteroids, and everything in outer space.

The activities they have done, seem to be an image that the angel Ariel is giving happiness to what Cecillia experienced before. On the last day they played, Cecilia and Ariel headed to the house of Cecilia's best friend, Marianne. Cecilia and seeing her felt moved as if they were going to be separated for good. After seeing Marianne secretly, Cecilia gave a small butterfly to her as a memory gift from her, Cecilia did not know that it would be her last memory gift with Marianne.

This keeps happening from day to day. Cecilia's condition is getting worse. The pain is getting worse. But the angel Ariel continues to give him happiness, invites him to understand the meaning of life until finally Cecilia sleeps forever.

Interesting Things in the Novel Cecilia and the Angel

There are many various philosophical conversations. In this case, because it is presented from the point of view of a small child who has a broad sense of curiosity, even by an angel who has friends who can be invited to discuss and just talk.

Then, this novel also presents a way of looking and thinking deeply about the nature of 'being-being' and 'being'. Because the story is wrapped in this form, the reader is made to reflect on the philosophical discipline with a more flowing and interesting discussion using light language even though the language is translated. Cecilia and the Angel displays thoughts that are far from the mainstream and outside the human mind.

If you want to learn philosophy in an easy and fun, this novel is perfect for you to read.

What is Missing in the Novel Cecilia and the Angel

What is lacking from the novel Cecilia and the Angel is that it does not clearly describe the time setting, precisely in what era. Perhaps it was intentional by the author because the focus point is the conversation and dialogue between Cecilia and the angel Ariel about 'being' and 'being'.

Apart from the shortcomings in the novel Cecilia and the Angel, this is not a barrier to the feasibility of this novel to be read. It is possible that the writer did this on purpose so that the readers could give their own interpretation.


Sabtu, 29 Januari 2022

Edu Passion Arkaraswa 2022


Senin, 24 Januari 2022 merupakan puncak dari acara Edupassion Arkaraswa 2022. Acara ini merupakan acara tahunan yang diadakan oleh OSIS SMAN 3 Bandung. Tahun sebelum Edu Passion ini bernama Amakatra. 

Edu Passion ini terdiri dari pre-event dan main event. Pre-event di mulai dari hari Rabu, 19 Januari 2022 sampai Jumat, 21 Januari 2022. Rangkaian acara pre-event ini adalah presentasi dari universitas-universitas swasta dan sosialisasi UTBK.

Peserta yang hadir pada kegiatan ini merupakan siswa SMAN 3 Bandung khususnya kelas 12 dan terbuka untuk umum. Main event sendiri berlangsung dari pukul 07.00 sampai 15.00 WIB. Pada acara puncak ini menghadirkan Parama Suteja sebagai pembicara. Dia merupakan peraih beasiswa penuh S2 University Of Harvard dan peraih beasiswa di 11 Universitas terbaik di Amerika Serikat.

Dua Universitas terbaik di Indonesia yaitu ITB dan UNPAD ikut memberikan sosialisasi dalam acara ini. Sosialisasi ini menjelaskan secara umum mengenai Universitas yang menjadi favorit di Jawa Barat itu.

Mata acara puncak yang menjadi acara utama adalah presentasi dari 23 fakultas dari 5 universitas terbaik di Indonesia. Presentasi ini dilakukan dalam breakout Zoom dan dibagi kedalam 2 sesi. Sesi pertama presentasi dari :

•Kedokteran UNPAD










•College INTO University of Manchester


•ITS (Umum)

Dilanjutkan dengan sesi ke-2 yaitu presentasi dari :






•Universitas Brawijaya





Selain pre-event dan main event ada juga pasca event yang menghadirkan beberapa universitas lain nya secara offline. Pada pasca event ini ada sekitar 5 universitas yang membuka stand offline di koridor SMAN 3 Bandung.

Acara ini mendapatkan tanggapan yang beragam dari berbagai pihak. Banyak yang merasa sangat terfasilitasi dengan adanya acara ini khususnya untuk kelas 12 yang sebentar akan segera memasuki jenjang perkuliahan. 

Meskipun demikian masih banyak yang harus ditingkatkan oleh panitia Edu Passion di tahun selanjutnya. Karena tahun-tahun selanjutnya akan beranjak menjadi kegiatan  full offline dan kegiatan itu harus sebaik atau bahkan lebih baik dari tahun 2020 lalu.


Rabu, 30 September 2020

My Goal My Ambition

 I have a goal to become an entrepreneur. However, to achieve this, it is not only a business school. However, they must have the ability to lead, manage time, have good relationships, be able to express opinions and be disciplined.

that's why from now on I am active in organizations and activities outside the classroom. So that I can get the skills I need. I had a goal of making a big business before I graduated high school and today I'm starting it.

Doing business is the key to my bigger ideals. Because of that I have to enjoy what I do. You could say doing business is my passion. To improve my passions, I have advantages including public speaking. The ability to speak in public is the tool to convey my ideas and ideas about business.

Another of my strengths is that I can lead, although I still need a lot of experience and practice. But I believe that these leadership skills will be what I will use to lead my big business.

Having a large business is the first step towards bigger goals. Sometimes I think I want to enter politics, but if I don't have a business then I will be crushed in politics. Then I want to serve the community, eradicate poverty, and spread goodness. These things again have to have a good business too.

But right now I will try even if I fail then try and fail again, until I forget how to fail. Big goals start with simple steps. I've started that step and tried to be consistent.


Rabu, 22 Juli 2020

Make New Extracurricular |Suggestion & offer

The opening of new extracurricular members has begun, all students discuss extracurricular options.

Kridan   : next week there is an extracurricular recruitment open, what do you want to join?
Jhoni     : I want to go to KF3 because I like singing.
Nebula                 : I also want to join KF3.
Max       : I'm just a TRILOGI, I'm all focused on studying.
Jesika    : I'm confused about what to do, I think it's all fun.

Kridan   : I suggest we discuss first what fields we like, for example I like business and debate so I chose OMK  and SPeD, what are your fields?
Jesika    : I like painting, writing, and theater.
Kridan   : try to join SSR, LIGA and TST
Nebula : I also want SSR, we are together.

Jhoni     : what do you think is the best extracurricular activity?
Kridan   : OMK, obviously, the problem will be very useful when you are an adult.
Jesika    : I think TST is cool, the acting is totality.
Nebula : In my opinion, the KPA3 is already going international.
Max       : TRILOGI , there is no doubt about the achievements, many championships won in the international arena.
Jhoni     : Yes, everything is cool

Kridan   : Did you know, actually I want to go into the martial arts extracurricular but it doesn't exist.
Nebula : Why don't you just pioneer a new extracurricular?
Kridan   : Good idea, but what kind of self-defense?
Jesika    : How about silat?
Max       : Too much complicated flow. Karate only
Jhoni     : Taekwondo is also good, but if there are others, it's better because it will be unique
Kridan   : That's right, well I'll make muaythai extracurricular, rarely in Indonesia so people will be interested, thank you.
